Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prayers for our friend, Sixmaybemore (Tamri)!

A little over a year ago one of our TMMO friends, Sixmaybemore, was burned out of her home. She, her husband, and their 6 children lost everything in the fire, except their lives. She's gone through a year of pure Hell, and she's done it with such humor and grace!
Last night, her family was burned out of their home AGAIN (see her blog linked from mine). If they didn't lose everythng this time, they came close. It's still too new and too raw for us to know. What I do know is that they were home this time, and that thankfully everyone got out of the house. That's the good news, and Tamri's one to find the good news in most everything. They haven't finished settling with State Farm from the first fire, and now this. The first fire was caused by faulty electrical wiring in their (rental) kitchen. This fire was caused by a hole in the fireplace and faulty venting in their (rental) attic. This is a family who follows all the rules, has tried so hard to follow Dave Ramsey's baby steps, and have been slapped down yet again.

My heart is so heavy for this family right now. Please say a prayer for them, MANY prayers for them, as they know now the long road ahead of them.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what TMMO is, but I will be praying for Tamri and her precious family. I've enjoyed lurking on her blog, but hadn't kept up since the popcorn for breakfast post. WOW! I don't know where she is - if she's close, I can help - I have 2 more days of postplanning -woohoo! Love to you all, and PLEASE be careful on the scooter.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I had a revelation in the shower this morning. Total Money MakeOver is TMMO, and I should be emailing to see how I can help, not posting commentary about it. Love you all!

Leighboe said...

LOL! Congrats on the revelation, Laura! Don't ya just love it when ya have those? :)
We love you MORE!

The Ferrill's said...

Oh Leigh what is her website? I will be definitely praying for their family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Laura, I didn't know TMMO either until I just read your comment. Isn't it amazing the revelations we have in the shower? ;)

Leighboe said...

Laine, there's a link to Tamri's blog on the right side of my blog, called "The House is on Fire".(Your blog is linked there, too!) She started that blog when her house burned a little over a year ago.