Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Color Game

So Mabry has introduced our family to a new game called "The Color Game". In this game, whenever someone burps or passes gas everyone must call out a color. The last person to call out a color has to make an animal noise. So in the middle of the conversation at dinner the other night, Pete calls out, "Blue". Now, no one "heard" the reason, but we all know WHY he said it. So Ryan calls out "Orange", Mabry calls out "Yellow", I call out "Purple", and because Patrick was the last one, he says, "Mooooooo"! LOL. I'm not sure the people at the restaurant understood the game, but their looks sure were entertaining!
It works best in larger groups, of course, so we can't wait to start this game at Thanksgiving! :)


mabrynelson said...

you should see the looks we college kids from the faculty in the middle of the crowded cafeteria! HILLARIOUS!! QUACK!!

Forrest Blogs said...

This sounds fun. Do you play this game if someone passes gas or burps who is not in your party?

Leighboe said...

LOL Ben, we haven't had the opportunity to play with others outside our party (not that we were aware of, anyway). GREEN!

The Ferrill's said...

Too fun! Can't wait to play at Thanksgiving...I sense things will get WAY out of hand with our family! ;)

mabrynelson said...

they always do get out of hand, Aunt Laine!! That's what makes it so much fun!