Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Movie Night!

For the past several years, Pete and Ryan have been getting together with a group of friends for Movie Night. Usually it's at one of 3 houses because no one else has a house big enough for 20-25 teens to gather around a t.v. (that, or no one else is brave enough!).
This past Friday night, for some reason, we hosted it at our house. Um....our house is NOT big enough for 20-25 teens! So Patrick picked up a projector from the library, hung a sheet outside, and voila! Instant drive-in! But wait! You can't have a drive-in theatre without cars! Or speakers! So Pete's best friend Cameron drove his car around to the back, hooked the projector up to his stereo speakers, and life was sweet!
Two movies, 10 pizzas, a gazillion drinks and about 20 kids, and everyone was happy! I could see us doing that again!


Anonymous said...

Hey Leigh! Movie night sounds GREAT! What a fun way to spend an evening with friends and family- we might have to do one of those before school starts back. Keep the bloggy posts coming! Laura

The Ferrill's said...

Oh Leigh, you always were the most fun mom! Now you've proven yourself again!