Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun Stuff!

"Hey Mom & Dad,
We got stuck with IVs today. We had to get trained on how to do IVs and stick our battle buddy. I got stuck twice because my vein disappeared as soon as the needle was put in.
"We went on our first road march today. We walked 4 miles with 40-50 lbs on our back. I was drenched in sweat by the end. It was really difficult. I've got huge blisters because someone stole my inserts out of my boots.
"Tomorrow is another obstacle course. It's got to do with medical bullcrap. I'm gonna hate it.
"I've got two good battle buddies. One's name is Joseph Nishimiga, from Hawaii, and the otehr is Morgan. I can't seem to recall his first name. Every time I get a letter, they always ask if there is good news, then we swap stories and tell jokes about anything and everything. They make sure I stay focused on what I need to be focused on, just like I do for them.
"Thre's not many people I don't like. THere's one who I can't stand (he's SO much worse than Ryan) but everyone else is cool. We haven't gotten past the immature stage yet. Most people keep messing around, and the other people get caught trying to hush them, which is why we're in transparent phase still.
"Well, anyways, things are same old same old. I miss everyone. 7 more Sundays!
With love,
PFC Peter Nelson"