Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mabry Rocked the House!

Isn't that top pic cool? Patrick was trying to be smart and take a picture of my boobs, but in doing he got Mabry's face in the necklace I wore to the show. I cropped everything else out (silly man!) 'cause she's the best part of the picture!

Ok, CATS totally rocked! I've never seen it before so I had no idea what to expect. I knew Mabry had a pretty big role, and she really knocked it out! She had several solo parts, including a solo tap/jazz! One entire song was dedicated to her character, Jenny Anydots, AKA Gumbie Cat. She was her usual charming, funny, animated self on stage (as she is off!)! I was so proud of her performance I teared up while the audience clapped and cheered her on! I know none of the extended family could be there, but we have ordered the DVD so perhaps y'all will get to see it one day (at least her biggest part). She just did such a great job, y'all!


Anonymous said...

I so wish that we could come and see Mabry - she's such an amazing actress! Is there any way that we can get the DVD, too? BTW, Patrick is not being a "silly man" by trying to take a picture of you - he's just being a man! If you haven't realized already, there's power in them there things you just got! Men LOVE power - especially when it's on a woman's chest! Cool picture no matter what! Love to all, Laura