Monday, February 9, 2009

Are People REALLY that dumb?

The picture has nothing to do with this post, but I found it on Ryan's Facebook, thought it was hilarious, so I stole it. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog...
I know there are dumb people out there, the proof is in all the silly directions you read on various packages out there. "Product will be hot after heating"; "Do not iron clothes on body"'; or "Wearing this garment does not enable you to fly". All that's well and good (allbeit silly!).
But I would expect that people who get plastic surgery would be a bit more educated, or have a bit more common sense...something! Why, then, did my surgeon write this to me in an email: "Patricia (his wife, my other surgeon) told me you looked good and she pulled one drain out. Please, be extra careful with the remaining drain and bring the output sheet with you next time we see each other". Um....what exactly does he think I'm going to do with that drain? The thing is inserted into a hole HE put in my body, coming right out of the cooter area, and runs about 18" into my body around to my left hip! Does he think I'm gonna just pull it out or something?! That perplexed me, so I couldn't help but reply: "And I'm being very careful with the drain; I have enjoyed only having one. I use it for a jump rope and it hasn't gotten tangled up yet! LOL :)*