Monday, November 24, 2008

God is so accomodating...

in a funny, infuriating kind of way! This morning I was awake before my alarm went off. Hearing the rain slam against the windows, I grinned to myself and snuggled down deeper in bed. No way was I gonna go to the gym in that mess!
A few minutes later the alarm went off. I shut it off and laid back down.....
listened....the rain had stopped! UGH! So I got out of bed, went to the gym, no rain the entire time. Until.....I pulled back into my driveway. Boy, did God let it loose then! I had to run inside in the pouring down rain, but what did HE care?! He got what He wanted, which was my butt to the gym! Don't ever let anyone tell you that God doesn't have a sense of humor! :)*


Anonymous said...

Really, Leigh, God was just reminding you to shower after your workout! LOL! I've been waking up at 5 - I think God's telling me it's time to have a major lifestyle change. Dad told me to be careful of them - but you seem to be doing all right. Gretchen and I saw a shirt at Walmart that I thought about getting (only it was maternity). It said, "Does this big fat belly make me look fat?" I loved it, but....
Can't wait to see you on Thursday! Love, Laura