Friday, August 28, 2009

More Letters!

"Dear Mom & Dad,
Basic is ok, still. I honestly can't say I love it but I can't say I'm not having fun. The days drag, but the weekds fly. We only have 6 Sundays left.
"We did land nav in the woods yesterday and next week start BRM (rifle shooting). The woods were calm and relaxing. We saw a tree that had been gored by a boar. It looked like someone well, a beaver got a hold of it. Needless to say the five-man team was on guard after that.
Today we started BRM. We just did a simulator and tried to group our shots. Other than that, we did nothing much. I've been trying to stay busy cleaning and stuff.
I've been praying every night, mostly for the soldiers next to us and their family and friends. I also pray for y'all, Cat and the movie nighters.
My platoon is coming together. We're not fighting as much as we used to . We should be in White phase soon.
We had some soldiers imitate drill sergeants today. We almost got smoked.
We have an Eric in our platoon. His name is Pauly and he's 39. He makes the comments like Eric would. Just now (reason I'm writing about him) is we had a guy start coughing and Pauly said, "Don't push on his head or he'll start choking." Is that not like Eric? (side note: Eric is our next door neighbor who's a total ass, but the nicest ass you'll ever meet!)
I've been getting letters from Cat. I didn't get a phone call last week, so I haven't gotten a chance to let you know. Still no letters from anyone else. just you, Mabry and Cat. I've been keeping them all.
It's time for lights out, and we lost 2 hours of sleep last night. I love y'all and miss y'all.
With Love,
PFC Peter Nelson"

"Dear Mom & Dad,
We started shooting our weapons yesterday. It was fun. We zeriod, and then most everyone that was done got to go back to the bay. I didn't because I missed the first transport by two minutes, and while I:) was waiting for the second (around two o'clock)I was put on range duty. I had to stay out on the range for an extra three hours for roughly twenty people that couldn't shoot.
Today we shot at targets rom 200m & 300m. The Company COmmander said I was one heck of a shot. I had excellent grouping almost every time (3/4).
I almost felt like I was going to collapse today. I had to carry double the gear everyone else did because my battle buddy got really sick. I drank four camel backs of water, and a powerade today. I couldn't breathe! I feel alot better now though. We do hand grenades Monday after next!
I might have an article fifteen (ask Dad what it is). It's not good...apparently, the military doesn't like you destroying their property Who would have guessed? I probably should have worn sunscreen because getting a sunburn is destruction of military propery!
Still no letters from Cameron or anyone, although I got stuff from Mrs. Eaves and Miranda in Cat's letter tonight.
Anyways, it's bed time and I have to shoot again tomorrow. I love you and miss you.
With Love,,
PFT Peter Nelson"


Peacebug and The Boss said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, I mailed Pete a bunch of email jokes - d'you think they got taken because of the nature of the jokes? I tried to only send clean jokes, but.... Anyway - so proud of you Pete, when you do get to read this! Love to all! Laura