Sunday, May 17, 2009

Congrats, Ryan!

Ryan turned 15 a couple weeks ago, which means he's "permit-able". Pete took him to get his permit the day after his birthday, only to find out that there's a special application that we, his parents, had to fill out and sign. So they picked up the application, brought it home for Patrick to fill out, and headed back to the DMV (nearest one is 20 miles away)with Mabry. Got to the DMV, where Ryan realized that he forgot the application his dad had just signed!
Earlier this week, Pete took Ryan back to the DMV with the application. Ryan got to the window, handed the papers over to the lady, who promptly wrote "VOID" on the application because it wasn't notarized!. Oh, boy, was Ryan ticked off!(To be fair, he had every reason to be ticked; on the bottom of the application is a place to get it notarized, and Patrick didn't think it needed to be done. That in itself was an argument between Patrick and I, but we won't go there right now! :) )
So, Friday being my birthday, I took off work, spent $70 getting my hair done, checked Ryan out of school, got his application notarized and took him to the DMV. You'd think having JUST had my hair done that I wouldn't want to get it messy, but it was such a pretty day we drove Mimi with the top down and my hair flying free. When we got to the DMV, I realized that MY license expired that day. What a pretty picture I made.....NOT!
Anyway, Ryan took his test, passed, and got his permit. He didn't get to drive home, though, because Mimi's a stick. Ryan barely has a clue about an automatic, so I wasn't even gonna attempt letting him drive Mimi! I let him drive me around yesterday in Sparky (our '94 F150), and I've got to admit I quite enjoyed having my sunglasses fly off my face twice. I'm sure eventually the boy will get the hang of those brakes!


Anonymous said...

Holy moly - I hope you have some good rx! I cannot imagine training your 3rd to drive! However, getting your hair done on your b'day must have been nice. Me? Can you spell SPA PEDI? Thanks for the update. Can't wait to see some pics from the REAL graduation party. Much love to all! Aunt Pearl

Anonymous said...

I forgot to count those dimples! Toot sweet! Congrats Ryan on your permit - learn to clutch for license to come soon!

Patricia said...

Congrats on Ryan getting his permit. My DD13 is now learning to drive our 1985 Chevy Extended Cab. She can't see over the steering wheel but DH wants her to start learning.....I can't believe she's old enough to do this...yikes. I want to see that DMV pic Leigh!!!!

Peacebug and The Boss said...

Congrats Ryan!