Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Perfect Day!!!

Happy Birthday to ME! I had such a wonderful day today! I started the day off by sleeping late ('til 5 a.m!) and going to workout at the gym. I had a couple of quiet hours at home before going to get my hair done, then Patrick and Mabry took me to lunch for Mexican food. YUM!!! I really tried to behave, and even ordered a tossed salad to go with my grilled chicken quesadilla, but they never brought the salad. Oh darn!

After lunch, I went shopping for some new clothes. I had told myself I wouldn't buy any new clothes until late June or early July, but I caved. I found such cute outfits and they FIT and I just couldn't help myself! After a short little fashion show for Mabry at home, I went for a full hour-long massage, compliments of Patrick. Now, I've had high-dollar massages before, but none were as thorough as this $55 one! Holy smokes, we're re-working the budget in June to fit in a visit for Patrick and I each month!

From the massage I went straight to the chiropractor, and I'm happy to say she seems to finally be making progress on my back! She's a tiny little thing no bigger than a cricket, but she sure can adjust my big ol' self!

Upon arriving home, Ryan, Pete, and Pete's friends Cameron, Miranda, Caitlyn, Jack and Jack's little sister Sydney serenaded me with a beautiful birthday song. Jack played the "drums" on Pete's truck, Sparky. We all came inside and ate some of the beautiful cake Mabry made (pictured above; the side reads "Your Da Bomb"...did she really mis-spell "your"?!), and it was SO good. I have no problem having desert before dinner!

Oh my goodness, I mustn't forget to tell you about the TWO sweet olive bushes Patrick bought me! I love the smell of sweet olive; it always reminds me of home and Daddy. We've got to find the perfect spot in which to plant them. I can't wait for them to bloom!!!
All in all, it was the perfect day....yeah, it was all about me, but I figure once a year ain't gonna hurt! :)


The Ferrill's said...

Man Leigh you did have a great birthday! I'm so glad! It sounds heavenly!
I don't recall the olive tree tie-in though...was that a McIntosh thing?

mabrynelson said...

your started out as ur to compliment the da. but then it was way too uneven for me, so i had to add the yo. but you'll get over it. :)

i'm glad your birthday was wonderful!!!

me next me next!!!